the world might end. a world might end. your world might end. our. world. ends. protons neutralize. you. sit there drinking 500 ml of coffee out of that measuring cup. i look up from the 7th page of the paper while all ions vaporize. "we did the best we could". and then. milionsofatomsjoindtogetherandwearetogetherandyouarestillstogetherandtheniamtogetherwithyouaswell.
but then there is the matter of blood. on the floor. on the walls. on your shirt. turn right side up. there is still blood. but. it. still. runs. through. the. veins. where it belongs.
into the heart. through the atrium. the ventricle. through tricuspid valves. right to where it belongs. and then it leaves. again....
also i believe you. and also i am too.
having a sense of satisfaction.
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