so there it was. there it is. and there you are. or where are you?
eve. ry. da. y it. 's. gett. ing. be. tt. e. r.
fall asleep to a voice that isn't yours. or human. or it is human. but not in the normal sense of the word. or it is just you. in your second form.
do we only get one hour. and why is time flying. and the passage of time stretches out. into much farther. longer. lengthier. than it ever was. but maybe will be. time plays tricks. or souls play tricks. or we play tricks on the soul of time.
and then there is the hinge horse. mouth swings open. or just falls back. exposing throat. esophagus. molars. jugular veins.
tears pool to the back of the eye socket. nostrils gasp for air. all membrane dries up. everything burns. andallyoucandoishum'lovelovewilltearusapart.again'. the only song you know.
without neck muscles, how do you get your head back on. again.
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